Tooth Repair

Tooth Repair treatments preserve natural tooth structure, restore functionality, reduce tooth-associated pain, and enhance your smile.

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a custom-made cover that that goes over a damaged tooth to help improve its strength and appearance and protect it from further decay.

Dental crowns can protect weak teeth, restore broken or cracked teeth, support a root canal treatment or dental implant, or improve the appearance of malformed and discoloured teeth.

Dental crowns are widely used to address numerous dental issues because they:

  • Are a long-lasting solution.
  • Improve the appearance of damaged or stained teeth.
  • Protect your original tooth.
Got some more questions about dental crowns?

Let us answer them for you!

Dental Fillings

Dental fillings are used to fill a hole in the tooth caused by tooth decay. They can also help to repair and protect a cracked or broken tooth. We use biocompatible fillings that work with – not against – your body. Our biocompatible dental fillings:

  • Prevent further decay.
  • Restore your ability to chew properly, and without pain.
  • Preserve your natural tooth structure.
Want to know more about dental fillings?

We’d love to help.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatments (endodontics) involve the treatment of the soft tissues inside the tooth to eliminate pain or infection.

In a root canal treatment, damaged tissue caused by decay, a mouth injury, or a cracked tooth, is removed, and replaced with a biocompatible dental filling material. This filling, made with non-toxic material, helps maintain the integrity and strength of your original tooth, without the need for dental implants or a dental bridge.

Let’s be honest – when you hear the words ‘root canal’, you automatically think the worst. This dental treatment has a bad reputation. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Here are five reasons to actually look forward to a root canal treatment.

  1. Remove the source of your pain.
  2. Save your original tooth.
  3. Eliminate infection.
  4. Avoid further invasive treatments.
  5. No nasties – root canal treatments no longer include toxic materials.
Still not sure?

We get it – a root canal seems like a big deal.

Visit us For a Unique Dental Experience.